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According to John Silling, a Purdue University entomologist, the ant is an exemplary worker.

Basically, the ant’s entire life, which can range up to seven years, is spent working,” says Silling. “They gather food, bring it back to the nest, and use it for day-to-day meals as well as to store for the winter.”

In addition, the amazing insects can be adept. Some species “gather bits of grass or leaves and take them back to their nests. On this organic matter, which is used much like fertilizer, they place tiny mushroom spores and use them for food.”

But ants as dairy keepers? That’s right. “Some ants get the majority of their food by ‘milking’ aphids or plant lice which are often known as ‘ant cows,’ says the scientist. “The ants sometimes herd the aphids down into the ant nests at night or when it starts to get cool. Then when it gets warm again, they herd them back up to the plants.”

Small wonder Solomon, a great observer of life, spoke of the ant in flattering terms. “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” (Proverbs 6:6) Once again, the wise king said: “The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.” (Proverbs 30:25)

When ants (which are compared to people in the verse) face adversity, they pursue the only option available to them – they just work harder. Ants have no government program to sustain them, no therapist to complain to, or drugs to mask their anxiety. The greatest solution to depression may be found in our labour for the Lord: “The labour of the righteous tendeth to life.” (Proverbs 10:16)

Recent advertising illustrates creative thinking on the part of some businesses…making the best of a bad situation. Should we as Christians be doing any less? Perhaps a harvest is right around the corner if we are willing to think outside the box and work harder (John 4:34,35).

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